Okay, so I know it's once again been a long time since I've updated the blog. Oh well, these crazy kids keep me busy. Once a month is about all I can do. Since it's been so long I have a ton of pictures to share. Much has happened since my last blog. Right now, we have one week of school left and the summer begins. We have Curtis' family coming into town next weekend for a week and we're heading to the beach for 4 days. Should be tons of fun. We also have VBS that week. Then we have a 2 week break and then my parents are coming for a week. Summer is going to be busy but oh so much fun. So these first pictures are from when Matt and Jody visited last month. It was hot enough that weekend that we got the pool out for the kids and had lunch outside on the picnic table.

These are from Arabella's gymnastics end of year performance. This was her 3rd year. She's getting pretty good and will continue in the fall. Her big accomplishment right now is that she has learned to do a front tuck on our trampoline. She is a persistant little girl, keeping at it until she gets it.